Saturday, December 13, 2008

Love Love Love

I love life! It is wonderful! I love my friends, and music, and snow, and rain, and sunshine, and roommates, and quotes, and movies, and books, and chocolate, and Christmas, and lots of things! Right now I am working on a take-home final, and listening to music. I love it. I would rather be with friends, but I have to do my final. It's pretty easy, to be honest. I have been thinking about things that make the Christmas season great. One thing I love is how people who you otherwise would never hear singing just can't help but kinda sing along to Christmas songs. We've just known them our whole lives and all know them. It's pretty exciting. The second thing I was thinking of is the fact that you can be all sentimental and cheesy, and you don't get as weird of a look as you would get at another time of the year! I love cheesiness and sentimentality, usually; I'll admit that sometimes it just isn't good. Another great thing about Christmas is family. Family is so great. I'm so glad that I know that families can last forever. The last great thing I'll say about Christmas is that you get to give gifts! I absolutely love giving gifts! Giving gifts is seriously so fun. I love thinking about what people would like and then seeing their reactions. I like giving anonymous gifts because it's fun to be sneaky but I really miss the seeing their reaction part. I hope everyone has a very wonderful Christmas!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Thanksgiving is next week, and I'm really excited! I am going to California, and it's going to be fun. I was thinking today about how Thanksgiving is about giving thanks, obviously, and so I was thinking about what I'm thankful for. This is going to be a really long list-
gospel, scriptures, family, friends, roommates, weather (clouds, rain, snow, beautifully bleak days, sunshine, etc.), everything about church, people, President Monson, all of the general authorities, my ward, BYU, football, sports, events, deliciousness (in food-such as steak, lucky charms, cookies, thanksgiving food, etc.), delicious smells, USA, country music, any good music, books, eyes, my home, my apartment, air conditioning and heating, my bed, the great opportunities that I've had, lotion, toothpaste, contacts, movies, the opportunity to help people, showers, work, my professors, accents, the fact that everyone is different, language, long talks, my newfound ability to be outgoing, basically everything.

Oh man, I know I've forgotten so much. Some of those I could go on and on about too: especially my family, friends, and roommates. I am just so thankful for every single person I know. They are wonderful for each of their own reasons.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Oh man, I love my friends. They are so funny. I am so glad I have my friends. People are so great, sometimes they are really dumb, but that is usually funny. I just love people.

Monday, November 17, 2008

"Everybody Stumbles Sometimes"

This last week was not so wonderful. I was moody and not at my nicest. I was a bad employee, and student, and felt like a bad friend. I was kind of selfish. I am glad the week is over and I can have a fresh start. Last night I was reading in my scriptures Galatians 5 and 6. I remembered that if I am not so selfish, I end up being much happier. I hope to be less selfish this coming week and be better in doing what I should.
I learned some random things this week though: I learned that I love showering at random times in the middle of the day; I learned about some of my friends; and I learned that I am really bad at committing to things. I realized that some people really do like me as a person - that was happy. Sometimes I just see how I'm so imperfect and I don't understand how people can like me. I also realized that even though right now might not be the happiest time for me, it is preparing me for the future and helping me become a better person. I can still have a positive attitude and help others have joy. I love making other people happy and serving people. Sometimes I think I'm really awkward and worry that my friends think I'm so weird because I do random things like write nice notes and take cookies. I really enjoy it though and I hope that my friends like it. I hope that once in a while, I help someone have a better day.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sometimes you've just gotta talk

This whole week I've felt like I just have so much to say, and I want to hear other people's opinions too. However, there aren't people around all the time to talk to. Right now I just really miss the way it was with some of my old best friends. I felt like I could call them and talk to them at just about any time or go to their houses just to talk. I felt like it didn't matter what I said, because they would still like me and be my friends. I could be myself. I feel like right now I don't have friends that I can do that with. I do have really close friends, but they are busy. I have had a lot of good conversations this week too. I don't know, I guess I just really want to talk and get to know more about people. I shouldn't be complaining though. I have wonderful friends, family, and roommates - with most of those categories overlapping. I have a lot to be grateful for because people really are amazing and I am so blessed.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Today I made a realization of something I really already knew. You should not plan on studying everything for a test the day before. You never know what is going to happen that could interfere. For example, I should have been keeping up better in Latin because now I'm going to be up very late studying because today my roommate, Elsie, got her mission call!!! She's going to Chile! Yay! I am so excited for her. However, I became very distracted from studying because of her call. This semester I just feel so distracted from school because there are so many wonderful people like my roommates and the people in my ward. I just want to be with them. I want to be doing things and having adventures. I need to get back to studying.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Journal

Today I was reading through my journal. It was really funny to see how I've changed. I was such a brat when I was younger. I had the strangest thoughts. For example, I always wanted to be a writer, and one day I wrote that a funny name for a book character would be Roman Numeral II. hahaha. I am so weird. I got upset over the dumbest things too, like my sister not letting me play with my brother's toy and cleaning. I wish I had written more because I mainly wrote when I was angry, because writing is relaxing. But now it seems like I was an extremely negative girl. I don't think I was overall though. Apparently I did argue more often with my mom and my sister than I thought. It's weird though because I've always considered my sister my best friend, and now we don't argue at all. It was fun to see how I've grown and how my testimony has grown.

Friday, October 10, 2008


It's 2 am and I most definitely should be going to bed. I can't believe how late I have been staying up. Today was fun. It was 10-9-8 and I decided to celebrate! I made a cake and I wrote top ten lists about my roommates. It was fun, and probably kind of dorky. Some of my friends came over and that was great. I love having friends this year so much. I can't believe how anti-social I've been for the last two years. I was missing out. We were cleaning our kitchen and we discovered some rotting potatoes, which was really gross but also kind of funny because everyone was freaking out about it. Haha, I love life and people. It's so funny. Work was fun today and the weather was perfectly gorgeous. I love October. Basically, this is kind of redundant, because I just keep saying how much I love everything, but it's pretty much true. Today was one of the best days ever! It was worth it not to do homework and end up staying up late.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


So my dad told me to start this blog to write book reviews. However, since school has started I haven't been able to read very much. It's pretty sad. This summer I read probably three books a week. It was wonderful. I also spent a lot of time with my family, at work, and at the gym. It was a very nice, although not too exciting, summer. This school year is great so far. I'm lovin' my roommates, and my friends, and my classes. The next few weeks are going to be tough with tests and everything, but that's ok. It was general conference weekend this weekend. I love general conference! The first session was seriously exactly what I needed along with many other parts. I am seriously loving life right now!