Monday, March 24, 2014

Something bothersome

So, I feel like I more often talk about things that I like on here, and I also really hesitate to share my opinion, but today I'd like to talk about something that's been bothering me.

Lately, I've been hearing something a lot--something about how people perceive things. I feel like a lot of people have been saying things like, I'm not one of those "perfect" [insert certain type of person here]. And maybe it shouldn't bother me. Maybe I should just ignore these comments, but whenever I hear people say things like this, I want to remind them that all of us are different and we have so much to learn from our differences.

All of us make mistakes. All of us have different strengths and different weaknesses. Christ lived a perfect life, but the things that I hear when people make these comments do not sound like people wanting to be more like Christ. These comments sound like people feeling like there is some perceived ideal that doesn't even exist that they are either happily different from or trying to become. I am pretty sure that anyone who would be considered to fit this mold would not agree that they fit the mold.

One of the things that I've studied about and that I really love is that everyone is different, and by using our different strengths, we can strengthen each other. I wish I could better describe how I feel about this concept because I think it is so incredible. People are given strengths and talents and gifts. However, people also have weaknesses. But if we work together and use our strengths to the best of our ability and work on our weaknesses and allow others to help in areas that we are weak, we can become so much greater, not only individually but also as a whole, as humans. We can teach each other. I've learned how to improve on some of my weaknesses by learning from others who have strengths in those areas. We have so much that we can learn from each other. We have so much that we can do and become if we work together and do our best.

I wish we could better see how people are so different and unique and talented in different ways. I think that it is possible for us to embrace our differences while still striving to become the best person we can be. I think that we are meant to be different so we can learn from each other, and I love it so much.


  1. Nailed it Michelle, you are awesome! I learn so much from being your friend.

  2. You made me think about Christ, Michelle. He was different in so many ways (disagreeing with prominent individuals, being physically unattractive, declaring Himself the Savior of the world), but those differences were His strengths. However, it is something very easy to say but hard to break out of. I do think we all compare ourselves to an impossible ideal.

    Your program sounds wonderful. I think you're definitely learning what you are supposed to learn in graduate school. Thanks for posting. :)
