I moved!
I still visit Provo a lot though (um, every week). This was probably the smoothest move I have ever made in my life! I loved that! I'm enjoying my time at home, but there are definitely things that I miss about Provo, but it's not like it's that far. Home is good, and it's nice to spend more time with my family.
One thing that I am missing about Provo is some of the food. Some people probably don't know, but Provo actually has some really good local restaurants. I haven't even been to all of the ones I want to go to. Also, roommate Jordan and I love snow cones. We have been enjoying our snow cones a lot this summer, and we have our favorite stands. Number one is the stand by Day's Market on Canyon Road. However, I recently learned that there is a new snow cone stand where they make their own syrups from scratch and that is more natural! I think I'm going to try it tomorrow.
I'm excited to try some new restaurants that I've seen around home.
Life is good.