Wednesday, July 27, 2016

As summer flies by

Oh right! I have a blog. I haven't written much on here lately, but I think that's ok. But today feels like a good day for spilling my thoughts out into words.

I've got a summer cold right now. It's been ages since I've had such a thing. It is leaving me in an odd combination of affectionate and emotional and exhausted.

This summer is flying by for me. Anyone else feel the same way? There are so many things I'm wanting to do, but I just haven't had the time to do them all. And I think, "what have I even been doing?" But it's not like I've been lazing about all summer. I have done so many things! And it's been pretty magical in a lot of ways! I also have a whole lot of things lined up for the next month and a half, so that is going to be good!

Since I last wrote, a whole lot of things have happened. I really don't want to make this a big deal, but I also know that very few read my blog, so I think it'll be ok, but I would say the most eventful thing that has happened in the last several months is that I've been dating someone. It had been 9 years since I had dated anyone. I've learned that I have (and had (because I think I've already worked through some!)) a lot of relationship fears that I didn't even realize that I had. Despite my fears and insecurities and occasional dramatics, this guy is really patient with me. He is really kind. He does so much for me, and I didn't even know that someone could be so good and kind. I have so much fun hanging out with him. He makes me laugh and likes to go do fun things with me. I think I could go on gushing for another three or four paragraphs, but I don't want to embarrass him or gross anyone out with gushiness, so I'll move on. I will say though that dating is a very new experience for me. Sure, I dated someone before, but I was still a teenager, and I would say I'm a very different person now. But I've quite enjoyed it.

One thing I haven't done much this summer but that I'm wanting to do more is swim! I love swimming! Luckily, I get to go swimming a bit this coming weekend, but I'll have to try to squeeze in some more before the end of summer!

I also went camping for the first time in years this summer. It has been a long time since I had camped, and I feared I wouldn't like it anymore. Fortunately, I LOVED camping! I would love to go again before the winter arrives. I'm hoping to explore Utah more this year, so I think I will have to do that!

Yuki Shave Ice continues to be a summer best friend. And yes, I go often enough that I am friends with the owner and employees. It's a party. It's just super delicious. It's shaved ice where they make their own syrups out of real fruit. It is the best.

I have not seen or talked to some of my friends as much this summer, and one of my best friends just moved to California, so this is all sad. I do feel immensely grateful for my friends though. A bunch of friends are getting married this summer, and I'm so happy and excited for them!

My ponderings about summer could go on and on, but I'm going to leave this for now to go do something. I hope anyone reading this has a fabulous summer! Summer is a wonderful time!


  1. You make summer sound like a magical, happy, fun time and I love it so much. I also love that you love dating now. Hooray for being a different person than you used to be and for overcoming uncertainties!

  2. You and your boyfriend are so cute together! I am happy for you. It sounds like your summer is as eventful as ever. Hope you blog more about it! :)
