Monday, March 10, 2014


As most people know, mornings are so not my thing. I'm trying, but I really struggle. I sleep through my alarms (yes, multiple), and then I have the hardest time with feeling optimism and energy in the morning, except maybe on Sundays (Sundays make me happy so I feel happy pretty quickly).

Some mornings, like today, I seriously feel like I can't focus on anything. I try to keep my eyes open and maintain focus and energy, but I just drift off into sleepiness or mindless distraction or personal daydreaming. It makes me feel bad to have so little focus when I really need to be focusing. Maybe I just need more sleep. I feel like there have been times in my life where I've been not exactly a morning person, but I've been more my optimistic self in the mornings, but that just has not been lately. It takes until midday for me to muster up much enthusiasm and zest for life.

Lately, I have some really great friends who have wanted to carpool with me to campus. It has made my mornings much better! Our carpool has only worked out a couple of times so far. I was sick a bit last week. And then I didn't hear my alarms this morning, and I woke up to my friend calling me asking if I was ready to go. Oops! I felt bad.

However, I think this story goes to show how much I love people, but this semester I haven't had many people to talk to during the day. I work on my computer and sometimes IM people, but it's pretty quiet. I also don't really have many people that I get to talk to on campus. But seeing or talking to friends in the morning just makes me happier. I feel like it helps me wake up and helps remind me who I really want to be. Because honestly, I feel like people are the most important. I want to be someone who loves and serves people. Therefore, I'm feeling so grateful for my friends who wanted to carpool with me.

I am planning to keep working on being better at waking up. Maybe I should go to bed earlier. That might help. So I'll keep doing my best. And even if carpooling doesn't necessarily work out (but I hope it does), I like how we've been trying to do it because it's taught me more about how I can be a better me.

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