*Note: This may be really long, but I don't really care because it's more for my own sake than for anyone else's!*
I feel like I hardly remember January. It was so long ago! Here are some things I do remember though:

I went tubing with my wonderful friend Danielle early in the month. It was so much fun, and I don't see her much, so it was fun to hang out with her. I'm so thankful she invited me!
We celebrated Ian's birthday! (As a side note, he might hate me for this picture, but I don't have a better one.)
I visited the new Provo City Center Temple (just a block from my house)! I went on at least one winter walk, which was kind of lovely. I went on a few dates, two of which were with Adam. We celebrated mom's birthday.
February was spent in both icy places and the beach. Early in the month, I went to the ice castles with Jordan, Renae, Josh, and Kyle. I had fun, but I know some in our group were not loving the cold. We celebrated Jordan's birthday with a Harry Potter birthday part, after which we hopped on a plane to go to a magical place.
Orlando! Harry Potter Wizarding World! The Beach! Disneyworld!

It was magical! I loved it so very much.
In March, the weather started getting better, I ate some great food. I did a painting with work. I started dating Adam, and I went to Portland!
I went to Portland for the ACES conference for work, and that was fun and informative, but I also tried to explore as much as I could while I was there.
In April, I went to the Thanksgiving Point gardens, went to the zoo with Camilla and her kids, and saw Parachute and Jon Mclaughlin.
May the weather got even better and many more outdoor adventures began!
I went to the Living Traditions Festival, Cami's wedding, hiking, Scera.
June started out with birthday celebrations! Jordan and I went up to Bear Lake and went camping. The rest of the month had hiking and nature and farmer's markets and scera shows and chalk art festival and the olympic ropes course in Park City. It was a great month!
In July I went to Stadium of Fire to see Tim with my mom. Then I had a magical fourth of July! I went on a ward campout that was beautiful and fun. Academic meetings for work happened. I went to a concert in Park City with my parents. At the end of the month, I headed to my favorite place of Jackson, WY!
Jackson was amazing! I love my family and the beautiful outdoors! I went to Bear Lake with my family. Joel and Abbie had a beautiful and fun wedding reception. I took Adam to his first rodeo. I celebrated dad's birthday with him.
At the end of August through early September, I had a ton of fun concerts. I saw Dixie Chicks and Kacey Musgraves and Boys to Men. I love concerts!
For Nick's birthday, we celebrated up in the mountains, and the fall colors were beautiful. I went to the Harvest festival with Jordan and Adam.
I went to California. This included a visit with my friend Ian and a visit to the beach. My mom and I went to Disneyland, and I got to spend a little time with my California relatives. I drove out there by myself, and I feel like it was a really good experience. I spent Halloween with my family, and it was mellow and fun.
November included Kaylee's birthday, a Head and the Heart concert, a Jon McLaughlin concert, and Fantastic Beasts!! Thanksgiving was spent with my family and was nice.
December has been a blast! I love Christmas time so much! At the beginning of the month, we had a birthday party for my grandma. We then all went up to temple square to look at the lights. I went to two Messiah Sing-Ins, which fill me with wonder and joy. I went to the aquarium with Adam, and we had a wonderful time. Christmas Eve, my family had a paint night, which was fun. And Adam came over on Christmas, and the family opened gifts, and we had a nice relaxing day. The day after Christmas, Adam and I went sledding. This week, we also went to the lights in Spanish Fork. I don't know what I'm doing tonight, but it should be fun, and I'm so excited!
Parts of this year have been dull, but much of this year has been wonderful. I have many more things I could say and more pictures I could post, but I also want to go do things right now instead of write, so maybe I'll write more later, but for now, I'm off! I hope this coming year is full of wonderful things!