Talking about what I love and putting my thoughts and feelings into words. It's not always my greatest skill, but maybe this will help me improve!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Just a little thought
I've been thinking about how the smallest things can affect me so much. For example, a simple phone call from a friend can brighten my day, or a lack of a phone call from someone can stress me out for hours. Listening to a good song can cheer me up, and listening to certain songs reminds me of sad things. There are hundreds of similar situations that I could think of. So as I've been thinking about this, I realized that that is exactly why it is important to me to always be kind. You never know if that one rude word could ruin someone's day, or if your smile could cheer someone up, even a little.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
When I grow up. . .
My friends have told me several things that they think I should do with my life, such as
- Open a flower shop
- Open a bakery
- Make greeting cards
- Become Mrs. Claus.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Change and other thoughts
I'm feeling very thoughtful, I guess that would be the word, today.
Yesterday I got to see some of my friends who just got home from their missions. It was great seeing them. We were talking about how in some ways it seems like no time has passed but in other ways, so much has changed. I know I have changed immensely in the last two years. This last year, so many people touched and changed my life. I have grown so much, and I am much happier with myself. I'm much more outgoing. I have come to better understand the gospel. I still have questions about my life, but I have realized dreams and made goals. I have a major, and I absolutely love it.
It's interesting how we can change. I love how everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Different things are more challenging to different people. We have to grow in our own ways, and then help people with things we are stronger in. I love how people can come into our lives and then change them. I love people, and I love love.
I wish it was easier for me to just come out and say things. I tend to be very vague and indirect. Sometimes I like it, but sometimes it just leads to frustration. I need my blunt friends to come back, because they tend to rub off on me.
I love life! It is truly wonderful, and I'm incredibly blessed. I am pretty sure that I have the most wonderful life ever. I hope I can help other people feel the love and joy that I feel.
Yesterday I got to see some of my friends who just got home from their missions. It was great seeing them. We were talking about how in some ways it seems like no time has passed but in other ways, so much has changed. I know I have changed immensely in the last two years. This last year, so many people touched and changed my life. I have grown so much, and I am much happier with myself. I'm much more outgoing. I have come to better understand the gospel. I still have questions about my life, but I have realized dreams and made goals. I have a major, and I absolutely love it.
It's interesting how we can change. I love how everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Different things are more challenging to different people. We have to grow in our own ways, and then help people with things we are stronger in. I love how people can come into our lives and then change them. I love people, and I love love.
I wish it was easier for me to just come out and say things. I tend to be very vague and indirect. Sometimes I like it, but sometimes it just leads to frustration. I need my blunt friends to come back, because they tend to rub off on me.
I love life! It is truly wonderful, and I'm incredibly blessed. I am pretty sure that I have the most wonderful life ever. I hope I can help other people feel the love and joy that I feel.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I am now 21!
Last Thursday was my birthday!!
It was a great day! I woke up and made some french toast; then my sister and I watched, sh, High School Musical 3. I love that show. hehe. Then my family came home and had me open my gifts. I got a magic bullet blender, Bolt!, a really cute contact case, a dress, headphones, and some other things that I can't quite remember at the moment. It was so nice. I am so blessed. Then our family had to rush off to Provo for my sister's graduation. It was very long, but I am so happy for my sister! She is amazing and I can't believe she is done with high school, or that I'm 21 really. After graduation, we went to Texas Roadhouse which is outright delicious (I like the word "outright," I just decided) . Then we saw Up. I thought it was so cute. It made me cry both out of cuteness and sad stuff. cute, cute cute. Afterwards, we went home and ate my delicious chocolate pie from Costco. yum. My sister and I talked until late and I think I bought some songs. Lucky for me, the birthday celebration did not end there.
Friday, I invited some friends over for a barbecue. I'm so grateful to my family. They are the best; when I was at work all day, they prepared for my party. It was wonderful. I haven't been very social since moving home and I loved seeing my friends. We ate and played games. Then we went to the park and played. There were some majorly cool things and it was fun. I love my friends. :)
Saturday, Tasha, Drew, Ben, and I went to the zoo. It was fun. I loved seeing all the animals. I love seeing all the amazing things that God has created. I loved being with my friends again, and I am so happy that Ben got to come because he's amazing. I went from seeing him everyday in March and April to going a month without seeing him. It was sad, so I was happy to spend time with him.
I thought that would be the end of my celebrating, but I was wrong. On Monday, thanks to my wonderful boss and friend Tasha, I was able to go to Lagoon with Ben and Drew and their friend Ruben (sp??). It was so fun! We went on all the great rides (well, except tilt-a-whirl, but that's ok) and got wet and everything. Ben and I did this catapult ride that cost extra money. He paid and was so nice. The ride was AMAZING. It felt great and gave us cool views for just a couple of seconds. Lagoon was great. I am so glad I went.
These past few days my emotions have followed the path of the rollercoasters that I rode. But, I have had so much fun, and I have so much to be grateful for. I love my life and my friends and my family! I am incredibly blessed and excited for what life holds!
*hopefully, I will be able to put up pictures soon to go along with my adventures
It was a great day! I woke up and made some french toast; then my sister and I watched, sh, High School Musical 3. I love that show. hehe. Then my family came home and had me open my gifts. I got a magic bullet blender, Bolt!, a really cute contact case, a dress, headphones, and some other things that I can't quite remember at the moment. It was so nice. I am so blessed. Then our family had to rush off to Provo for my sister's graduation. It was very long, but I am so happy for my sister! She is amazing and I can't believe she is done with high school, or that I'm 21 really. After graduation, we went to Texas Roadhouse which is outright delicious (I like the word "outright," I just decided) . Then we saw Up. I thought it was so cute. It made me cry both out of cuteness and sad stuff. cute, cute cute. Afterwards, we went home and ate my delicious chocolate pie from Costco. yum. My sister and I talked until late and I think I bought some songs. Lucky for me, the birthday celebration did not end there.
Friday, I invited some friends over for a barbecue. I'm so grateful to my family. They are the best; when I was at work all day, they prepared for my party. It was wonderful. I haven't been very social since moving home and I loved seeing my friends. We ate and played games. Then we went to the park and played. There were some majorly cool things and it was fun. I love my friends. :)
Saturday, Tasha, Drew, Ben, and I went to the zoo. It was fun. I loved seeing all the animals. I love seeing all the amazing things that God has created. I loved being with my friends again, and I am so happy that Ben got to come because he's amazing. I went from seeing him everyday in March and April to going a month without seeing him. It was sad, so I was happy to spend time with him.
I thought that would be the end of my celebrating, but I was wrong. On Monday, thanks to my wonderful boss and friend Tasha, I was able to go to Lagoon with Ben and Drew and their friend Ruben (sp??). It was so fun! We went on all the great rides (well, except tilt-a-whirl, but that's ok) and got wet and everything. Ben and I did this catapult ride that cost extra money. He paid and was so nice. The ride was AMAZING. It felt great and gave us cool views for just a couple of seconds. Lagoon was great. I am so glad I went.
These past few days my emotions have followed the path of the rollercoasters that I rode. But, I have had so much fun, and I have so much to be grateful for. I love my life and my friends and my family! I am incredibly blessed and excited for what life holds!
*hopefully, I will be able to put up pictures soon to go along with my adventures
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Books. . . delightful.
A list of all the books I've read so far this summer since I have so much time to read on the bus
- First Family by David Baldacci - This book was good. I like David Baldacci a lot. His books are always very intense and they catch your attention quickly. I like how he delves into the mind of both the criminals and the heroes. I think my least favorite thing about the book was that it left you with the impression that most people, and especially politicians, are greedy.
- Royal Target by Traci Hunter Abramson - I loved this book! It was very much cute and cheesy, but I like cheese!
- Freefall by Traci Hunter Abramson - Like Abramson's other book, it was very romantic and great. I liked how in both of her books she didn't take a long time to set up the scene; she immediately puts you right in the action. The characters are incredibly likable. Abramson's writing style is one of my favorites.
- Epicenter by Sonia O'brien - This wasn't my favorite book ever. It was good and worth reading, but not my favorite. There were a lot of different characters all involved in the earthquake. Since there were so many characters and it switched between the groups so often, I felt like you couldn't get as close to the characters as I usually prefer. At first it was confusing with all of the characters. I did like the messages that it gave of how people in our lives should take priority and how we should work together and help others.
- All's Fair by Julie Coulter Bellon - This book was short and nice. It wasn't spectacular and the conflict didn't really pull me in, but it was a good story. I felt like a lot more could have been done with the story. The writer built up to the climax, but then it wasn't very big and was somewhat disappointing.
- To Have or to Hold by Josi S. Kilpack - This book was very emotional. The author really made me feel for the main characters. I liked how I felt very close to the characters, they seemed very realistic to me. I tend to prefer mystery in my books and so it wasn't my favorite, but it was very good.
- Icing on the Cake by Elodia Strain - I know I just said I prefer mystery, and this book didn't have mystery, but it was my favorite book that I've read so far this summer. It was so fun and funny. The main character was easy to relate to but also really an amazing girl. It made me want to be more like the character. The romance was so cute and it just made me really happy. This book made me really happy about life and people, and it made me want to be a better person without making me feel guilty. Basically, it's one of the best books ever! I could talk about it for a long long time.
- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens - I love Dickens' books. They are more challenging reads though and so I'm reading this as I read other books. I just trade off depending on my mood. So far it's really interesting. I'm excited to get farther into the book.
- Taking Chances by Shannon Guymon - This was a very cute book about forgiveness and love. I love love, and therefore I loved the book.
- What the Doctor Ordered by Sierra St. James - I read this once a long long time ago and I remembered it as being funnier than it actually was. I liked it though. The characters weren't fully developed in my mind so it could have been better, but I couldn't quite connect with the characters.
- Her Good Name by Josi S. Kilpack - I'm currently reading this one. So far it is good. That's all I will say about it.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
So Happy!
It's pretty easy to make me happy. Today I'm way happy though because I got to talk to my friend Ben on the phone for a bit, and my friend Tyler is home. Also, I'm reading Standing for Something by Gordon B. Hinckley, which is so good. It is reminding me of so many things that help me be happy: optimism, gratitude, service, goodness of people, and love. I'd have to say it is one of my favorite books. About every other paragraph I find an amazing quote that I want to post somewhere. Therefore, anyone reading this blog should just read the book. I'm serious. It'll help you so much. Another thing making me happy is that I work with way cool people. Yep, life is good.
Monday, April 20, 2009
End of Semester Reminiscing
This semester has been crazy! In both good and bad ways. School-wise, it wasn't my favorite. My classes were somewhat boring and very hard. I missed Elsie, a lot! I also had some sad times. In other ways though, it was so great. Here are some of my favorite things about this semester.
- my camping trip
- the fact that I became such good friends with apt. 46 and went over there almost every day
- my roommates- Lauren, Jessica, Chelsea, Bari, and Becky
- the fact that I became good friends with some of the girls in our ward. I love them!
- making new friends and friends in general
- learning about my love for flowers and seeing flowers!
- the tulip festival
- conference
- birthdays!
- going on dates
- country dancing
- rolling down the hill!!!!
- building a snowman and fort
- playing Harry Potter Clue!!
- secrets and operations
- theme songs for people
- Disney movies
- my friend, Tyler, mentioned me in his talk at church, saying that i was always happy. haha
- picnics and bbqs
- learning cool things from Lauren
- gifts!
- donating blood for the first time with a bunch of friends
- finger painting
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I'm watching the ACMs awards, which is a country awards show. I love country music so much. I love how patriotic it is, and how music just has such a great power. I would love to meet so many country stars because they seem so fun and actually pretty regular. Many of them don't seem very haughty, but maybe I would be surprised if I met them. I hope to be able to go to Nashville soon. It would be fun.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I'm repetitive. I know.
I love my friends so much! I don't even know how to say how much I love them and am grateful for them! My best friend in the whole world is my sister- Kaylee. I miss her. It's hard not being with her. My roommates-Lauren, Jess, Chelsea, Becky, and Bari are amazing. They are some of the best girls to live with. They are very kind, generous, and amazing. I love them! Some of the other people I spend time with lately are apt 46 friends- Ben, Drew, Jason, Tyler, and Joseph; also Tiny, Tasha, Sean, Alison, and lots of people. I love all the people in my life. I am so blessed. People are so great! Thank you to everyone who has blessed my life so much!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I love camping and friends!
Last weekend I went camping down at Zion's.
It was amazing! We left on Friday and it was a kind of long drive through a snowstorm, which was crazy! The boys were very good drivers. I was impressed. We couldn't find our campground for a while, which was kind of funny. We met up with the other people: Amanda, Micah, and Sarah. I didn't know them, but it was so fun getting to know them. They were great. When we finally found our campsite, we set up and made a fire and made smores and stuff like that. I blew up an air mattress. Eventually, we went to bed. I could not sleep. It was way too cold. I was just shivering all night, but that's ok. I survived.
In the morning. The boys made breakfast for us. Then we headed off to actual Zion's just down the road. It was fun and adventurous. We went hiking at Angel's Landing. I was so tired, due to lack of sleep, and lack of practice in hiking, but it was amazing! It was so fun and so beautiful. I love hiking! We were hiking for 5 hours. We headed home after that. We made a stop at Denny's in Cedar City. It was so much fun spending time with Chelsea, Ben, and Drew! I love them! They are such fun friends! Basically, it was one of the best weekends that I've ever had. I'm so glad I went and I'm so glad
that my friends invited me. Camping is really fun; I love hiking and doing outdoors things. I hope I can go camping again soon. I love it.
And, I think this story of last weekend was written really strangely by me. I'm sorry. The End.

And, I think this story of last weekend was written really strangely by me. I'm sorry. The End.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I know I'm behind the times, but 25 things about me!
1. I love country music, like a lot! I know a lot about the singers and all that too. Often, if a country song comes on the radio if I can't name the song, I can at least name the artist.
2. My sister is my best friend ever!
3. I am the M in LMK, which will be famous in some way one day. haha
4. I do not like the sound of blow dryers, and so I used to be against using them, even now I don't use them often.
5. I was in band in high school; I play flute. I love music.
6. I want to be an editor.
7. I work at BYU Takeout Catering. I answer phones- it's thrilling. The office is a closet with extremes in temperature.
8. I love pretty much everything Disney. I want to go to Disneyland nearly every day.
9. My family always says that I'm weird, probably because I am.
10. People don't understand when I am angry or grouchy or upset because I am still usually smiling, this is because I love life and people. I really do sometimes get grouchy though.
11. I think spiders are fascinating and don't like killing them, but I hate red ants and don't mind killing them.
12. According to my siblings, I act like I'm 4 years old, often. I don't think I believe them. I just like having fun and doing little kid type things.
13. Hiking and outdoorsy things are the best!
14. I love reading and would like to write a book someday - especially since my friend told me I couldn't do it.
15. It takes a lot to make me angry.
16. One of my goals in life is to learn another language, or more than one, my preferences are Spanish, and Italian, and Polish would be cool, cause my last name is Polish.
17. I was born in California and love visiting. I love the palm trees!
18. I love people! I love my family and my friends so much.
19. I've been told that I'm vaguely specific, or maybe it was specifically vague. Apparently, it drives some people crazy. I'm sorry.
20. I'm easy to please.
21. I tend to procrastinate way too much. I end up having to stay up late just so I can finish things that I've put off.
22. I love smell goods! Bath and Body Works is one of my very favorite stores. I have a lot of different lotions.
23. I love Harry Potter everything. I could talk about it for hours. I like playing HP Clue with my Tasha! :)
24. When I set my alarm, I don't do it for an even time. For example, I'll do 7:01, or 7:09.
25. I don't really let people get to know me very easily.
2. My sister is my best friend ever!
3. I am the M in LMK, which will be famous in some way one day. haha
4. I do not like the sound of blow dryers, and so I used to be against using them, even now I don't use them often.
5. I was in band in high school; I play flute. I love music.
6. I want to be an editor.
7. I work at BYU Takeout Catering. I answer phones- it's thrilling. The office is a closet with extremes in temperature.
8. I love pretty much everything Disney. I want to go to Disneyland nearly every day.
9. My family always says that I'm weird, probably because I am.
10. People don't understand when I am angry or grouchy or upset because I am still usually smiling, this is because I love life and people. I really do sometimes get grouchy though.
11. I think spiders are fascinating and don't like killing them, but I hate red ants and don't mind killing them.
12. According to my siblings, I act like I'm 4 years old, often. I don't think I believe them. I just like having fun and doing little kid type things.
13. Hiking and outdoorsy things are the best!
14. I love reading and would like to write a book someday - especially since my friend told me I couldn't do it.
15. It takes a lot to make me angry.
16. One of my goals in life is to learn another language, or more than one, my preferences are Spanish, and Italian, and Polish would be cool, cause my last name is Polish.
17. I was born in California and love visiting. I love the palm trees!
18. I love people! I love my family and my friends so much.
19. I've been told that I'm vaguely specific, or maybe it was specifically vague. Apparently, it drives some people crazy. I'm sorry.
20. I'm easy to please.
21. I tend to procrastinate way too much. I end up having to stay up late just so I can finish things that I've put off.
22. I love smell goods! Bath and Body Works is one of my very favorite stores. I have a lot of different lotions.
23. I love Harry Potter everything. I could talk about it for hours. I like playing HP Clue with my Tasha! :)
24. When I set my alarm, I don't do it for an even time. For example, I'll do 7:01, or 7:09.
25. I don't really let people get to know me very easily.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Whoa, slow down world!
It seems like all my friends are getting married or going on missions, which is so cool, but holy guacamole! I'm not doing either of those things in the near future. I love my life but sometimes it just seems a little dull. I should do something exciting, pronto. That's all. I love life!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Be with you . . .
I love love love my family, my friends, and my roommates! What would I do without them? LOVE
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I could go miles and miles
15 Things I Absolutely love, without a doubt ~
9 Things I don't so much love~
- country music
- disney anything
- sledding/hiking/biking/swimming/being in the mountains
- baking and cooking
- taking gifts to people
- talking with people
- books!!
- being with people i love
- feeling accomplished
- actually doing something
- inventing things
- musicals
- life, the gospel, and learning
- people
- good food
9 Things I don't so much love~
- olives, pickles, and yucky food
- scary movies
- dumb professors
- excessive wind
- being angry
- when you realize you missed your chance
- when people are mean
- when people are sad
- when i do something wrong
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sittin' in the Library
This will be random.
Christmas break was so amazing! I did not want to come back at all. I love my family - they are so fun.
I am happy to be back though. I hope I can see some of my friends tonight.
It's been snowing for 26ish hours straight. It's crazy and doesn't usually happen, but I love it. Snow is beautiful, and I also love the sound of snow crunching beneath my feet.
I have a new roommate named Chelsea and she is so cute. I am really excited to get to know her better, and I'm glad she's my new roommate instead of a weirdo.
I really love people and life. This semester I want to help people feel appreciated and happy. I am going to try to be more productive. Along with that, I want to procrastinate less. I am a big procrastinator.
Being sick is lame.
Christmas break was so amazing! I did not want to come back at all. I love my family - they are so fun.
I am happy to be back though. I hope I can see some of my friends tonight.
It's been snowing for 26ish hours straight. It's crazy and doesn't usually happen, but I love it. Snow is beautiful, and I also love the sound of snow crunching beneath my feet.
I have a new roommate named Chelsea and she is so cute. I am really excited to get to know her better, and I'm glad she's my new roommate instead of a weirdo.
I really love people and life. This semester I want to help people feel appreciated and happy. I am going to try to be more productive. Along with that, I want to procrastinate less. I am a big procrastinator.
Being sick is lame.
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