Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Books. . . delightful.

A list of all the books I've read so far this summer since I have so much time to read on the bus
  • First Family by David Baldacci - This book was good. I like David Baldacci a lot. His books are always very intense and they catch your attention quickly. I like how he delves into the mind of both the criminals and the heroes. I think my least favorite thing about the book was that it left you with the impression that most people, and especially politicians, are greedy.
  • Royal Target by Traci Hunter Abramson - I loved this book! It was very much cute and cheesy, but I like cheese!
  • Freefall by Traci Hunter Abramson - Like Abramson's other book, it was very romantic and great. I liked how in both of her books she didn't take a long time to set up the scene; she immediately puts you right in the action. The characters are incredibly likable. Abramson's writing style is one of my favorites.
  • Epicenter by Sonia O'brien - This wasn't my favorite book ever. It was good and worth reading, but not my favorite. There were a lot of different characters all involved in the earthquake. Since there were so many characters and it switched between the groups so often, I felt like you couldn't get as close to the characters as I usually prefer. At first it was confusing with all of the characters. I did like the messages that it gave of how people in our lives should take priority and how we should work together and help others.
  • All's Fair by Julie Coulter Bellon - This book was short and nice. It wasn't spectacular and the conflict didn't really pull me in, but it was a good story. I felt like a lot more could have been done with the story. The writer built up to the climax, but then it wasn't very big and was somewhat disappointing.
  • To Have or to Hold by Josi S. Kilpack - This book was very emotional. The author really made me feel for the main characters. I liked how I felt very close to the characters, they seemed very realistic to me. I tend to prefer mystery in my books and so it wasn't my favorite, but it was very good.
  • Icing on the Cake by Elodia Strain - I know I just said I prefer mystery, and this book didn't have mystery, but it was my favorite book that I've read so far this summer. It was so fun and funny. The main character was easy to relate to but also really an amazing girl. It made me want to be more like the character. The romance was so cute and it just made me really happy. This book made me really happy about life and people, and it made me want to be a better person without making me feel guilty. Basically, it's one of the best books ever! I could talk about it for a long long time.
  • A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens - I love Dickens' books. They are more challenging reads though and so I'm reading this as I read other books. I just trade off depending on my mood. So far it's really interesting. I'm excited to get farther into the book.
  • Taking Chances by Shannon Guymon - This was a very cute book about forgiveness and love. I love love, and therefore I loved the book.
  • What the Doctor Ordered by Sierra St. James - I read this once a long long time ago and I remembered it as being funnier than it actually was. I liked it though. The characters weren't fully developed in my mind so it could have been better, but I couldn't quite connect with the characters.
  • Her Good Name by Josi S. Kilpack - I'm currently reading this one. So far it is good. That's all I will say about it.
Hmm, I feel like I'm missing a book, but maybe not. I love reading. I'll admit though, I really read easy-reads for the most part. In some ways I feel like that's bad, but at the same time, I kind of don't care. I plan on reading Harry Potter again this summer and reading The Host. I hope to read some of the classics too. If anyone has any suggestions on books, I would love to hear about them. I love books!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle,

    One of my favorite classes was a semester long short stories english class. I loved reading Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Edgar Allen Poe.

    What is your favorite classical short story?

