Sunday, December 13, 2015

12 days of Christmas--Favorite things

There are 12 days until Christmas, and I am excited!

I want to post some of my favorite things about Christmas over the next 12 days.

The first thing I want to post about is Handel's Messiah. When I was young, my mom would participate in a community choir that would perform Handel's Messiah every December. We would go hear the choir sing, and we'd often go to the sing-in performance. This is where the audience can sing along with the choir on the chorus songs. It is glorious!

I participated for one or two years myself with my sister in the choir when I was in high school. It was a lot of fun, but those high notes and runs were definitely challenging.

For most of my college years and a few years after, I had kind of forgotten about those Messiah performances because they happened at the beginning of December before I headed back up home. However, three years ago, I remembered, and I really wanted to go. I invited some friends, and it was great fun. Over the past three years, I have gone to the sing-in performances, and this year I went to the one last Sunday up in Draper, but I also went to one on Monday in Provo. Is that overkill? No way.

Last year, Jordan and I went to a play called Joyful Noise that is about Handel and when he wrote the Messiah. It was amazing.

I don't feel I have adequately covered how I feel about this. Whenever I hear songs from Messiah, I smile. I feel like it's the epitome of joy. I think Handel was so inspired. When I hear the songs, I feel love and peace and hope and joy. Especially when I attend the sing-in performances. I just want to hug everyone in the world.

I love this time of year, and this year it gives me hope that maybe the world could be loving. Maybe there's a little something I could do to help.

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