Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Job Hunting

Job hunting is quite possibly my least favorite thing ever! Ok, that's probably an exaggeration, but I definitely am not a fan.
I was talking to some friends, and they were reminding me that I need to tell people why I am the "best" person for the job. Here's the thing, I do think that I will be a wonderful employee, I do think that I will go above and beyond my employer's expectations, I do think that I am talented, I do have confidence in myself; however, I don't want to say that I'm better than anybody else. First off, everyone has talents and strengths, and everyone also has weaknesses. I personally think that people are pretty amazing. I mean, yes, people have their faults, but when you really get to know someone, you find out that he or she is pretty great. Who am I to say that I am any better than someone else? (This goes along very well with my desire to have ties in games. Why can't everyone win? I think my competitiveness is quite low, and I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing.) I suppose I don't actually have to say that I am better than any other applicants, and I can simply explain why I would be a wonderful employee, but even so, the whole competitive nature of applying for jobs is not my thing.
Also, applying for jobs is quite monotonous. I get to sit at my computer, fill out applications with the same exact information, change my resume, send emails, make phone calls, go to interviews, and then get rejected again and again. At least if you were doing similar things at a job, it wouldn't amount to nothing.
Alright, I'm done being negative. Life is pretty great despite my lack of a job. And not having a job has helped me in many ways, and probably most of the ways I don't even know yet, but I would like to list some that I do know. I have developed much greater trust in God. I know that even though this time is hard, God is strengthening me and helping me. I have strengthened my relationship with God. Prayer is so much more important to me now than it was four months ago. I have had lots of time to spend with my friends, roommates, and family! I have become incredibly grateful for the things that I do have in my life. I am having to learn patience. I have developed a better understanding of myself. I am having to learn to be the one who receives when I typically prefer being the one who gives. I was able to go on some fun trips!

I hope I get a job soon. That would definitely be good, but for now I will enjoy the free time that I have! I'm very excited for Christmas! It is my favorite!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Love Who You Love

I just added a little thing to my blog with the lyrics to one of my current favorite songs. "Love Who You Love" by Rascal Flatts just makes me happy and really means a lot to me. I totally agree that we should love people and let them know that we love them, and not just with romance love, also with family and friendship love.
The part that says "hold on as tight as they'll let you" is so true for my life. I have a tendency to love people a whole lot! Sometimes I think I overwhelm some of the people in my life when I am metaphorically holding on too tight. I am still working on figuring out how to hold on as tight but not tighter than they will let me.
The verse parts of the song really hit me though. We can give all we've got to everything in life, and I truly believe that doing so will make relationships and life better and more meaningful. I was looking for a quote that I was reminded of while typing this post; I couldn't find it, but I came across this other beautiful quote that also relates.

  • "Think about your particular assignment at this time in your life. It may be to get an education, it may be to rear children, it may be to be a grandparent, it may be to care for an relieve the suffering of someone you love, it may be to do a job in the most excellent way possible, it may be to support someone who has a difficult assignment of their own. Our assignments are varied and they change from time to time. Don't take them lightly. Give them your full heart and energy. Do them with enthusiasm. Do whatever you have to do this week with your whole heart and soul. To do less than this will leave you with an empty feeling." Marjorie Pay Hinckley (Small and Simple Things)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The End and the Beginning

Today I took my last final, possibly ever. I was kind of very excited but also sad. I love school. I love learning and meeting people with my same interests. I might go back to school for grad school, but first I need some money to afford it, and I just don't know yet if that is what I'll do.

Now my future is wide open. It's kind of terrifying, but kind of exciting. I have been looking for editorial jobs, and I am really excited to use my skills as an editor. At the moment, I'm planning to stay in Provo. I will just have to see how everything works out though. If I don't find a full-time editing job, I'd like to work as a freelance editor and also work at either a bookstore or a bakery. My roommate Lauren and I have also been talking about opening our own bakery. That would take a few years, but would be really fun. I don't know what my future holds, but I am so excited! It is going to be wonderful!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Here Comes Summer

I wrote this about a month ago, but then didn't publish it.

So, I obviously haven't written in ages. Life has been pretty wonderful and full of fun, learning, and adventures.
Last semester was hard school-wise, but very fun. The Olympics were so fun to watch! I love the Olympics and the way that they connect the world closer together! I actually wrote an article about it for my Substantive editing class last semester. Yes, I love the Olympics that much. For Christmas I got a crock pot and have since made some delectable foods using it. I love cooking and baking.
This semester I became even better friends with my friend Tasha. She is so fun! We love having adventures and we are basically like little kids at heart. We go to things for fun and realize that we are the oldest people there without children. She left for Missouri last week for her internship. I hope she loves it and has a great time there! I will miss her tons, but luckily I will get to see her in August at graduation, and I just feel like we will always be friends, even if it's not the same since we're far away from each other. Friends are great. When they leave it's hard, but they are still so worth it.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy New Year!!