Friday, October 4, 2013


I know. Two posts in two days. It's crazy! I've just been feeling very reflective this week.

So, I'm a big complimenter. I have been for years. I just have all these thoughts about people in my head about how wonderful and amazing and talented they are. I also feel like these thoughts don't really do me any good, just sitting there in my brain, so I might as well share them! I know that sometimes people think that since I compliment so much, the compliments don't mean as much. And people can think that and it could be true, but I definitely mean what I say. I think sometimes people also think I compliment so that I can get something. I can't say that's 100% wrong because sometimes I share my compliments with people because I think they are awesome, and I want to be their friend. However, the compliments are sincere.

So, it really amazes me how often I'll tell someone how great I think they are, and they respond by saying something about how they really needed to hear that. It doesn't always happen, and sometimes people say it to be nice, I think, but it happens. A lot of times these people are people who look and act like life is going great. And maybe overall it is, but there are times when kind words from a friend can really make things better. I know that's true for me. Yesterday was feeling kind of rough, and a friend texted me some nice texts, and it made my night feel much better!

I'm not posting this to try to make myself sound all good or anything. I could be such a better person than I am. I just felt like I should write about this: how kind words can really be helpful and how sometimes people are having a harder time than you realize.

Sometimes I've given compliments and then people tell me that I'm going to contribute to an overinflated ego or something. And I do believe that humility is a good thing, but, at least for me, I feel like the world pulls people down enough. I'd rather build people up.

This is not related, but General Conference is this weekend, and I can't remember the last time I was this excited for it! I am seriously so excited to hear the words of the prophet and to learn more about the gospel. I am so excited to learn more of Christ. It's going to be the best weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, I think you are a ray of sunshine whenever I interact with you. Thanks for being a light wherever you are. We need more people like you who are willing to say what's on their mind and have great things to say! Thanks for your compliments, whether they are an IM, text, e-mail, or in person. I love having you as a friend!
